Drapers Field – The Decision!

Drapers Field - closed for 2 years!

At the Planning Committee meeting this week approval was granted to the ODA to use Drapers Field for 16 months from this September. In January 2013 Drapers Field will return to the Council.

The application included compensation which will be used under a Section 106 agreement to re-provide an upgraded full-size all weather pitch, plus a turfed junior football pitch. There will also be improvements to the Sport England pavilion.

Since the Council has decided to carry out the restoration of Drapers Field themselves, it is reported that the Field should be reopened by September 2013.


A Section 111 agreement covers off-site improvements at Marsh Lane and Abbotts Park. Also, at the last minute, the multi-utility games area (MUGA) in the Church Lane car park was included. The Liberal Democrats believe that this facility should not be unsupervised in the middle of the Shopping Centre, and would be better situated on the field next to the Pastures Centre in Davies Lane, which is a much more central location for residents in 3 wards, Cann Hall, Cathall and Leytonstone.

What do you think?

We would like to hear from you.

Leyton Mills/ASDA security update

POLICE3Recently Liberal Democrat councillors attended the Leyton Mills Safer Business Panel. It was held at ASDA in Leyton Mills. Chaired by Police Sergeant Sarah Brewer with the Safer Neighbourhood Team, along with representatives of the shops and businesses in Leyton Mills.

It was noted that the problems with the DVD sellers and the gambling had virtually disappeared now that the Police are there every day. The DVD sellers are occasionally seen popping back to check if the police are still there, but the three-card trick people seem to have gone.

There were presentations about preventing crime in the area and discussion about the affects that the Olympic Park would make on the shopping area. It was agreed that it was important that all the shops and police shared information.

Councillor Bob Sullivan asked about why the boarded up shops that were next to ASDA and opposite TKMaxx had not been let or opened up. Apparently when they were built there was no space planned for air conditioning in the units and a total lack of a delivery area for the shops. Unless someone can come up with an innovative plan, then they will remain boarded up. What a waste!

There is another meeting scheduled for the Autumn. If there are any issues that you would like to bring to our attention about the Leyton Mills shopping area – don’t wait for the Autumn, please get in touch with your Focus Team.

Managing the Cricket Ground

The historic pavilion at the Cricket Ground

The Charity Commission has ordered the Council to set up a Management Committee to run the Cricket Ground in Leyton High Road.

It will be made up of eight members – 4 from the Council, 2 from youth organisations and 2 local residents.

If you are a local resident, in Grove Green or Leyton wards, and would like to become a member of this Committee, please contact the Focus Team for further details.

Drapers Field – News Update!

Drapers Field - closed to the public until September 2013

We have manged to get a look at what the Council proposes for Drapers Field.

The Masterplan (above) shows that the all weather pitch will be re-sited and there is inclusion of some beach volleyball play areas. Maybe the Council is thinking of re-applying for the £100,000 lottery money that it had to return last year when they made arrangements to give the site to the Olympic Authority for warehousing space for the Olympics.

Below is a closer look at the planned beach volleyball area:

To enlarge the Masterplann, click on this link – Drapers Field – masterplan

Latest News

The planning application by the Olympic Development Authority (ODA) to use Drapers Field is still to be submitted to Waltham Forest Council’s Planning Committee. News is that it will go to the Planning Committee on 2nd August.

The information regarding how much compensation that the Council will get, through what is known as section 106 and section 111, has still to be finalised. The money received will be used to improve Abbotts Park, Marsh Lane and of course Drapers Field.

The good news is that the money allocated to Drapers Field will be to re-instate the all-weather pitch and introduce new landscaping, access, and community sports facilities. This is good news, as previously there was no mention of the all-weather pitch, or sports facilities being replaced, only that Drapers would be turned into a ‘special park’.

The other not so good news – Councillor Bob Sullivan has been hearing, is that the ODA want to chop down two mature trees so that they can get access to the field by their lorries. He has followed this up and it is being challenged by council officers in the tree department who feel that access can be achieved without chopping down the trees. He will update again when he receives any further news on this.

NEW redevelopment plans for Lion & Key public house

Lion & Key - 2010

Many of you who have noticed that development work is going on at the Lion & Key pub at the junction of Leyton High Road and Church Road. Last year plans were received by the Council and agreed for the Lion & Key to be turned into a ‘support and living centre’ for adults with learning difficulties. This included 7 x 1 bed flats and 2 x 2 bed flats. The new plans received are the same, but to change the flats into 5 x 1 bed flats and 4 x 2 bed flats. Leyton Ward Councillor Bob Sullivan believes the ground floor will be a drop in centre.

As a locally listed building the facade i.e. the front of the building will remain and all the development will take place at the back.

Lion & Key on the right of the picture during reconstruction in the 1890sThe pub is regarded to be the oldest in Leyton and was possibly present in 1300, although the first documentary evidence is a possible record of 1579. It closed in 2009.

The picture at the top is the current Lion and Key building. The one to the right is the current building being built around the end of the 18 hundreds.

It is a pity that losing pubs is becoming a regular occurrence in our area.