The recently closed Police Station in Kirkdale Road

With the closure of Leytonstone Police Station there is now no police station in the south of the borough.

Following the closure the Police are providing a contact point at Tescos in Gainsborough Road. Officers are present every Wednesday and Thursday from 6 – 8pm. and on Saturday from 2 – 4pm.

The only other local contact point is The Police Base, 593 Lea Bridge Road, E10 6AF. It is open every Wednesday and Thursday from 7 – 8pm, and on Saturday from 2 – 3pm.

The Grove Green Neighbourhood Policing Team telephone number is (020) 8721 2640.

For non-emergency calls the Police ask you to dial 101. However, for emergencies call 999.

Grove Green Ward FOCUS Newsletter 259

The latest issue of the FOCUS Newsletter is currently being delivered across Grove Green ward by our volunteers.

The FOCUS Team would like to hear from you if you would like to help deliver FOCUS near your home. It is usually published about every six weeks and each round takes about half an hour.

You can contact the FOCUS Team of 8556 8335 if you would like to help. We look forward to hearing from you.

An advance copy of the FOCUS can be accessed here: Grove Green 259


Police Surgery at Leyton Library

From  1st. May until 26th June a Police Officer will hold an informal drop-in surgery twice a week:

Wednesday from 5pm until 7pm

Saturday from 2pm until 4pm

Local people will be able to:

  • Report a crime
  • Report lost property or hand in found property
  • Make an appointment to speak to a local officer
  • Hand in self-reporting forms for a road traffic accident
  • Obtain crime prevention advice
  • Discuss community problems
  • Make an appointment to give a statement if you don’t want the police to come to your house or place of work
  • Make an appointment to speak to an officer  about a complaint against the police

For further information see the Leyton Safer Neighbourhood’s Team webpage at: http://content.met.police.uk/Team/WalthamForest/LeytonTeam

or the Leyton Library webpage: http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/pages/servicechild/leyton-library.aspx

Leyton Police Station shutting down

Councillors Bob Sullivan, Naheed Qureshi and Farooq Qureshi outside the Francis Road Police Station

The Police have announced that Leyton Police Station in Francis Road will be shut down from next Monday 10th December.

The front counter services are being transferred to the Custody Centre, in Boreham Close, off Hainault Road.

The front counter will be manned from 7am until 3am daily. The same hours as currently offered at Francis Road.

Boreham Close is a cul-de-sac situated opposite Norlington Road.

Lib Dem councillors reaction to violence following Town Hall briefing

Liberal Democrat councillors this afternoon attended a briefing by the police and council officers at Waltham Forest Town Hall about the recent disturbances.

Speaking after the briefing at Waltham Forest Town Hall

Liberal Democrat councillor for High Street ward Mahmood Hussain said:

“I have spent much of the last two days talking to local shopkeepers and residents affected by the violence. Over 50 businesses have been affected in central Walthamstow. It is shocking to see so many people’s hard work destroyed. I have been impressed with how people are working together to put things right.”

Cllr Winnie Smith (Leyton ward) has also been talking to and visiting businesses and residents in Leyton.

Cllr Farooq Qureshi (Forest ward) added:

“These people don’t have a political message. Looting a Lidl and smashing restaurant windows is not going to sort out any of the problems that residents face. At the end of the day it is local people who will lose jobs and income as a result of this criminal behaviour.”

Cllr Liz Phillips (Cann Hall) said:

“The police have assured us that there will be more officers on duty tonight. The council has been working to remove debris and potential weapons from the street. It is important that parents know where their children are and that everyone take responsibility for calming the situation.”

Leyton Mills/ASDA security update

POLICE3Recently Liberal Democrat councillors attended the Leyton Mills Safer Business Panel. It was held at ASDA in Leyton Mills. Chaired by Police Sergeant Sarah Brewer with the Safer Neighbourhood Team, along with representatives of the shops and businesses in Leyton Mills.

It was noted that the problems with the DVD sellers and the gambling had virtually disappeared now that the Police are there every day. The DVD sellers are occasionally seen popping back to check if the police are still there, but the three-card trick people seem to have gone.

There were presentations about preventing crime in the area and discussion about the affects that the Olympic Park would make on the shopping area. It was agreed that it was important that all the shops and police shared information.

Councillor Bob Sullivan asked about why the boarded up shops that were next to ASDA and opposite TKMaxx had not been let or opened up. Apparently when they were built there was no space planned for air conditioning in the units and a total lack of a delivery area for the shops. Unless someone can come up with an innovative plan, then they will remain boarded up. What a waste!

There is another meeting scheduled for the Autumn. If there are any issues that you would like to bring to our attention about the Leyton Mills shopping area – don’t wait for the Autumn, please get in touch with your Focus Team.